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Water Baptism
Jesus instructed his followers to undergo water baptism, which has dual significance:
Symbolic Representation: It reflects our participation in Christ's death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:4-5), symbolizing the end of our old life and the beginning of a new one in Christ.
Spiritual Freedom: It signifies liberation from the bondage of sin and death (Romans 8:1).
By choosing baptism, you're publicly declaring to God and the community your commitment to follow Jesus earnestly.
Read the Bible
The Bible plays an essential role in your relationship with Jesus. Here’s why:
Understanding God: It reveals who God is and His actions.
Self-Discovery: You learn about your identity in Christ.
Promises and Access: Without the Bible, you wouldn't fully grasp God's promises for you or the access you have to God through Christ.
In essence, engaging with the Bible is crucial for knowing God, understanding yourself, and accessing all that's available to you in Christ.
Holy Spirit Baptism
When you commit your life to Jesus by faith, the Holy Spirit resides within you. However, there's also the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is a special endowment that:
Empowers for Witnessing: It equips you to testify about Jesus with effectiveness.
Fuels Joy and Power: This gift fills you with joy and empowers you to carry out all that God has planned for you with vigor and enthusiasm.
Prayer is essentially a direct connection with God, fostering a genuine relationship. Here's what it involves:
Communion: It's about spending time with God, being sincere, and showing affection.
Divine Assistance: When words fail us, the Holy Spirit steps in to intercede on our behalf.
Spiritual Gift: Those baptized in the Holy Spirit receive the gift of tongues, which allows for perfect prayer, even when we're unsure of what to say.
Local Community
According to biblical teachings, isolating oneself from a community of faith isn't advised. The church provides essential elements like:
Teaching: Where you learn from scripture and spiritual leaders.
Friendship: A place to develop deep, supportive relationships.
Encouragement: Mutual upliftment in faith and personal life.
Correction: Guidance and accountability in living according to biblical principles.
Moreover, every believer has a unique role within this community, contributing to its health and function as intended by divine design. You are needed in this community.
Serve & Give
Jesus exemplified a life of service and generosity, not one of being served, and God demonstrated His love by giving us Jesus. As followers of Jesus:
Servants and Givers: We emulate His example by serving others and giving freely.
Divine Promises: We do this with the assurance that God will reward us both in eternity and with blessings on earth.
Law of Sowing and Reaping: God ensures that our actions have consequences; what we give, we will receive in return.